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发表于 : 2018-03-24 19:31
如题. 增加的部分用绿色表示.需要修改的JAVA文件用黄色表示

PreparedStatement statement2 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT " 
+ L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().safetyString(new String[] { "mobId", "itemId", "min", "max","EnchantLevel", "category", 
"chance" }) 
+ " FROM droplist ORDER BY mobId, chance DESC"); 
ResultSet dropData = statement2.executeQuery(); 
L2DropData dropDat = null; 
L2NpcTemplate npcDat = null; 
int cCount = 0; 
while (dropData.next()) 
int mobId = dropData.getInt("mobId"); 
npcDat = _npcs.get(mobId); 
if (npcDat == null) 
_log.warning("WARNING 掉落物品表: 不存在的Npc.I d: " + mobId); 
dropDat = new L2DropData(); 
int category = dropData.getInt("category"); 
if (ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(dropDat.getItemId()) == null) 
_log.warning("WARNING 掉落物品表: 不存在的物品: 物品I d: "+dropDat.getItemId()); 
npcDat.addDropData(dropDat, category); 
_log.info("INFO 从掉落表中读取 " + cCount + " 个掉落物品数据."); 
catch (Exception e) 
_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "ERROR 无法初始化掉落物品表!原 因:"+ e.getMessage()); 
PreparedStatement statement2 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT " 
+ L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().safetyString(new String[] { "mobId", "itemId", "min", "max","EnchantLevel", "category", 
"chance" }) + " FROM custom_droplist ORDER BY mobId, chance DESC"); 
ResultSet dropData = statement2.executeQuery(); 
L2DropData dropDat = null; 
L2NpcTemplate npcDat = null; 
int cCount = 0; 
while (dropData.next()) 
int mobId = dropData.getInt("mobId"); 
npcDat = _npcs.get(mobId); 
if (npcDat == null) 
_log.warning("WARNING 自定义掉落物品表: 不存在的Npc.I d: " + mobId); 
dropDat = new L2DropData(); 
int category = dropData.getInt("category"); 
if (ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(dropDat.getItemId()) == null) 
_log.warning("WARNING 自定义掉落物品表: 不存在的物品: 物品I d: "+dropDat.getItemId()); 
npcDat.addDropData(dropDat, category); 
_log.info("INFO 掉宝管理 读取 " + cCount + " 个自定掉宝"); 
catch (Exception e) 
_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "ERROR 无法初始化自定义掉落物品表!原 因:"+ e.getMessage()); 

public class L2DropData 
public static final int MAX_CHANCE = 1000000; 
private int _itemId; 
private int _minDrop; 
private int _maxDrop; 
private int _EnchantLevel; 
private int _chance; 
private String _questID = null; 
private String[] _stateID = null; 
public int getMaxDrop() 
return _maxDrop; 
public int getEnchantLevel() 
return _EnchantLevel; 
public void setMaxDrop(int maxdrop) 
_maxDrop = maxdrop; 
public void setEnchantLevel(int EnchantLevel) 
_EnchantLevel = EnchantLevel; 
public final class RewardItem 
protected int _itemId; 
protected int _EnchantLevel; 
protected int _count; 
public RewardItem(int itemId, int count , int EnchantLevel) 
_itemId = itemId; 
_EnchantLevel = EnchantLevel; 
_count = count; 
public RewardItem(int itemId, int count) 
_itemId = itemId; 
_EnchantLevel = 0; 
_count = count; 

private RewardItem calculateCategorizedRewardItem(L2PcInstance lastAttacker, L2DropCategory categoryDrops, int levelModifier) 
if (categoryDrops == null) 
return null; 
// Get default drop chance for the category (that's the sum of chances for all items in the category) 
// keep track of the base category chance as it'll be used later, if an item is drop from the category. 
// for everything else, use the total "categoryDropChance" 
int basecategoryDropChance = categoryDrops.getCategoryChance() ; 
int categoryDropChance = basecategoryDropChance; 
int deepBlueDrop = 1; 
if ((!isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES) 
|| (isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES_RAID)) 
// We should multiply by the server's drop rate, so we always get a low chance of drop for deep blue mobs. 
// NOTE: This is valid only for adena drops! Others drops will still obey server's rate 
if (levelModifier > 0) 
deepBlueDrop = 3; 
// Avoid dividing by 0 
if (deepBlueDrop == 0) 
deepBlueDrop = 1; 
// Check if we should apply our maths so deep blue mobs will not drop that easy 
if ((!isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES) 
|| (isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES_RAID)) 
categoryDropChance = ((categoryDropChance - ((categoryDropChance * levelModifier)/100)) / deepBlueDrop); 
// Applies Drop rates 
if (lastAttacker.getPremiumService()==1) 
categoryDropChance *= isRaid() && !isRaidMinion() ? Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_BY_RAID : Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_ITEMS; 
categoryDropChance *= isRaid() && !isRaidMinion() ? Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_BY_RAID : Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS; 
if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion()) 
categoryDropChance *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS; 
// Round drop chance 
categoryDropChance = Math.round(categoryDropChance); 
// Set our limits for chance of drop 
if (categoryDropChance < 1) 
categoryDropChance = 1; 
// Check if an Item from this category must be dropped 
if (Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE) < categoryDropChance) 
L2DropData drop = categoryDrops.dropOne(isRaid() && !isRaidMinion()); 
if (drop == null) 
return null; 
// Now decide the quantity to drop based on the rates and penalties. To get this value 
// simply divide the modified categoryDropChance by the base category chance. This 
// results in a chance that will dictate the drops amounts: for each amount over 100 
// that it is, it will give another chance to add to the min/max quantities. 
// For example, If the final chance is 120%, then the item should drop between 
// its min and max one time, and then have 20% chance to drop again. If the final 
// chance is 330%, it will similarly give 3 times the min and max, and have a 30% 
// chance to give a 4th time. 
// At least 1 item will be dropped for sure. So the chance will be adjusted to 100% 
// if smaller. 
int dropChance = drop.getChance(); 
if (Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()) != 0 && lastAttacker.getPremiumService()==1) 
dropChance *= Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()); 
if (Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()) != 0) 
dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()); 
dropChance *= isRaid() && !isRaidMinion() ? Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_BY_RAID : Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS; 
if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion()) 
dropChance *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS; 
dropChance = Math.round(dropChance); 
if (dropChance < L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE) 
dropChance = L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
// Get min and max Item quantity that can be dropped in one time 
int min = drop.getMinDrop(); 
int max = drop.getMaxDrop(); 
// Get the item quantity dropped 
int itemCount = 0; 
// Count and chance adjustment for high rate servers 
if (dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE && !Config.PRECISE_DROP_CALCULATION) 
int multiplier = dropChance / L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
if (min < max) 
itemCount += Rnd.get(min * multiplier, max * multiplier); 
else if (min == max) 
itemCount += min * multiplier; 
itemCount += multiplier; 
dropChance = dropChance % L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
// Check if the Item must be dropped 
int random = Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE); 
while (random < dropChance) 
// Get the item quantity dropped 
if (min < max) 
itemCount += Rnd.get(min, max); 
else if (min == max) 
itemCount += min; 
// Prepare for next iteration if dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE 
dropChance -= L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
// TODO (April 11, 2009): Find a way not to hardcode these values. 
if ((drop.getItemId() == 57 || (drop.getItemId() >= 6360 && drop.getItemId() <= 6362)) && isChampion()) 
if (!Config.MULTIPLE_ITEM_DROP && !ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()).isStackable() && itemCount > 1) 
itemCount = 1; 
if (itemCount > 0) 
return new RewardItem(drop.getItemId(), itemCount ,drop.getEnchantLevel()); 
return null; 

private RewardItem calculateRewardItem(L2PcInstance lastAttacker, L2DropData drop, int levelModifier, boolean isSweep) 
// Get default drop chance 
float dropChance = drop.getChance(); 
int deepBlueDrop = 1; 
if ((!isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES) 
|| (isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES_RAID)) 
if (levelModifier > 0) 
// We should multiply by the server's drop rate, so we always get a low chance of drop for deep blue mobs. 
// NOTE: This is valid only for adena drops! Others drops will still obey server's rate 
deepBlueDrop = 3; 
if (drop.getItemId() == 57) 
deepBlueDrop *= isRaid() && !isRaidMinion()? (int)Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_BY_RAID : (int)Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS; 
// Avoid dividing by 0 
if (deepBlueDrop == 0) 
deepBlueDrop = 1; 
// Check if we should apply our maths so deep blue mobs will not drop that easy 
if ((!isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES) 
|| (isRaid() && Config.DEEPBLUE_DROP_RULES_RAID)) 
dropChance = ((drop.getChance() - ((drop.getChance() * levelModifier)/100)) / deepBlueDrop); 
// Applies Drop rates 
if (Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()) != 0 && lastAttacker.getPremiumService()==1) 
dropChance *= Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()); 
if (Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()) != 0) 
dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_ID.get(drop.getItemId()); 
else if (isSweep) 
if (lastAttacker.getPremiumService()==1) 
dropChance *= Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_SPOIL; 
dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_SPOIL; 
if (lastAttacker.getPremiumService()==1) 
dropChance *= isRaid() && !isRaidMinion() ? Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_BY_RAID : Config.PREMIUM_RATE_DROP_ITEMS; 
dropChance *= isRaid() && !isRaidMinion() ? Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS_BY_RAID : Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS; 
if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion()) 
dropChance *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS; 
// Round drop chance 
dropChance = Math.round(dropChance); 
// Set our limits for chance of drop 
if (dropChance < 1) 
dropChance = 1; 
// Get min and max Item quantity that can be dropped in one time 
int minCount = drop.getMinDrop(); 
int maxCount = drop.getMaxDrop(); 
int itemCount = 0; 
// Count and chance adjustment for high rate servers 
if (dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE && !Config.PRECISE_DROP_CALCULATION) 
int multiplier = (int)dropChance / L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
if (minCount < maxCount) 
itemCount += Rnd.get(minCount * multiplier, maxCount * multiplier); 
else if (minCount == maxCount) 
itemCount += minCount * multiplier; 
itemCount += multiplier; 
dropChance = dropChance % L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
// Check if the Item must be dropped 
int random = Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE); 
while (random < dropChance) 
// Get the item quantity dropped 
if (minCount < maxCount) 
itemCount += Rnd.get(minCount, maxCount); 
else if (minCount == maxCount) 
itemCount += minCount; 
else itemCount++; 
// Prepare for next iteration if dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE 
dropChance -= L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE; 
// TODO (April 11, 2009): Find a way not to hardcode these values. 
if ((drop.getItemId() == 57 || (drop.getItemId() >= 6360 && drop.getItemId() <= 6362)) && isChampion()) 
if (itemCount > 0) 
return new RewardItem(drop.getItemId(), itemCount ,drop.getEnchantLevel()); 
return null; 
public L2ItemInstance dropItem(L2PcInstance lastAttacker, RewardItem item) 
int randDropLim = 70; 
L2ItemInstance ditem = null; 
for (int i = 0; i < item.getCount(); i++) 
// Randomize drop position 
int newX = getX() + Rnd.get(randDropLim * 2 + 1) - randDropLim; 
int newY = getY() + Rnd.get(randDropLim * 2 + 1) - randDropLim; 
int newZ = Math.max(getZ(), lastAttacker.getZ()) + 20; // TODO: temp hack, do somethign nicer when we have geodatas 
if (ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()) != null) 
// Init the dropped L2ItemInstance and add it in the world as a visible object at the position where mob was last 
ditem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), lastAttacker, this); 
ditem.dropMe(this, newX, newY, newZ); 
// Add drop to auto destroy item task 
if (!Config.LIST_PROTECTED_ITEMS.contains(item.getItemId())) 
if ((Config.AUTODESTROY_ITEM_AFTER > 0 && ditem.getItemType() != L2EtcItemType.HERB) || (Config.HERB_AUTO_DESTROY_TIME > 0 && ditem.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB)) 
// If stackable, end loop as entire count is included in 1 instance of item 
if (ditem.isStackable() || !Config.MULTIPLE_ITEM_DROP) 
_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Item doesn't exist so cannot be dropped. Item ID: " + item.getItemId()); 
return ditem; 

ALTER TABLE `droplist` ADD `EnchantLevel` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' 
ALTER TABLE `custom_droplist` ADD `EnchantLevel` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'